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How to change your life with five simple clichés

After the excitement of the New Year and all that it promises has passed with us already heading into March, it is hard not to let the monotony of real life get you down. Work is still average, the gym has not been frequented quite as much as it should have been, and on top of everything, the days are getting shorter with winter knocking on our doors.

I have not necessarily stuck to those resolutions that I enthusiastically announced while clutching a glass of wine on the 1st January, but I still hold onto the hope that I can change that around. I tried to keep it simple this year by being a vague with my two resolutions: to be fitter and to improve my skills set. That is all. So short, so sweet, but with one sixth of the year already gone, I haven’t made progress. Oh no.

In this past week, I have started to think maybe I should expand on my resolutions a little bit. Or a lot depending on how you look at it. So, to carry on the path to happy, I have decided to set about using the remaining five sixths of the year to change my life. Slowly and patiently. These are the 5 simple set of rules that I am going to challenge myself on set out using wonderful clichés:

1.       Take the road less travelled.

I mean this very literally. As in not following the same route to work daily. Despite being a traffic avoider, I am going to try take newer exciting routes with different scenery to work. Even if it means I have to leave five minutes earlier.

And perhaps a bit less literally, as in challenge myself a bit more. Get out of my comfort zone. Put myself in situations that you are not a hundred percent comfortable in, and see what happens. I am usually bad at this, I am an avoider of the awkward, but I will try. You never know.


Ironically this picture was taken on the road I drive home daily. Hopefully my alternate routes will be just as lovely.

2.       Healthy body, healthy mind.

Move more, not necessarily only at the gym. I believe nature is a healer, so there will be many more outside excursions and activities.  A wise someone always told me that being outside is like therapy and it proves that there is a higher being out there, and I couldn’t agree more. So while there is a warm sun still, I will be in it. Enjoying it. Getting my vitamin D dosage, soaking it up.


These babies need to get a bit more wear.

3.       Think outside the box.

Be more creative. Do some arts and crafts. Use the rusty right side of my brain (is that the creative side?). Nothing gives me more satisfaction than something that I imagined, planned and then designed and eventually created myself.  So committed to being creative I will be.


My half finished mosaicked bowl. Who knows what I will use it for when it is finished, but I sure enjoy creating it.

4.       Don’t worry, be happy

Easier said than done. There is always something to worry about, whether it be what happened yesterday at work, upcoming financial commitment or that upcoming gathering you are dreading. I want to try be more positive. I plan to live in the moment, not in the past and take one day at a time.


This is the logo for a bubble tea shop. It just seemed applicable here.

5.       Keeping up with the Jones’s.

Enough with the comparisons. So what if people have a flashier car, a bigger house or more extravagant holidays. My path is different and unique to myself. I just need to remember.


Couldn’t find an appropriate picture for this. So here is another picture also taken on my daily drive home.

The challenge begins now. I hope I listen to my own advice.